Research and Planning - essay plan

Year 12 research:
Film opening - Panophobia
Genre task - School Musical High
Titles - Psycho

Dancing animals video
Juno recreation
Prelim task
Genre task - School Musical High
Storyboard, shooting schedule, risk assessment, prop list, availability schedule

During Year 12 we were given tasks to create a short video embodying a particular genre and to create a film opening. In order to plan for these tasks, there were a number of small pieces of work we completed, which all individually served as research for our final products.

Dancing animals task - getting comfortable with Premiere

Juno recreation - Working together in a group, filming


Website research included taking screenshots from established artists, screen-casting the different pages they had and talking about it in a voiceover.

We also watched multiple videos from the same genre as our song and took inspiration from those, creating a steal-o-matic, a compilation of different clips from these videos.
This enabled us to see how our ideas for shots and concepts would look against the music we had chosen.


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